Friends of Westwood Cemetery is dedicated to the beautification, preservation, maintenance, and appreciation of the Westwood Cemetery in Oberlin, Ohio.


History of Westwood Cemetery

Oberlin’s original burial ground was only two acres of land on Morgan Street, leased by Oberlin College. By 1861 – the onset of the American Civil War – it was realized that a larger cemetery was necessary. Thus, the Oberlin Cemetery Association was formed July 9, 1861 to locate and propose proper grounds for a new cemetery. The first burial was in August 1863 (Samuel Montgomery, Sec. V), nearly a year before the formal dedication of the cemetery in July 1864.

Westwood’s design reflects the Rural Cemetery Movement of the nineteenth century. Such cemeteries were to be enjoyed like parks, with pastoral landscapes, winding paths, and ornate monuments. Today, Westwood Cemetery is around 47 acres and hosts over 11,000 burials. The cemetery grounds and records are maintained by the City of Oberlin.

Organized in 2014, Friends of Westwood Cemetery (FOWC) is a community group of passionate individuals committed to the long-term care and awareness of the Westwood Cemetery grounds, stones, and stories.

Successful projects have included:

Activities and Resources

Monthly Meetings

Monthly Meetings are open to all. Meetings happen in the Zavodsky House/Sexton's House near the entrance of Westwood Cemetery on Morgan Street. Zoom access is also available, Check our Facebook Events page for Zoom address. 

Cleaning Gravestones

The Friends of Westwood are responsible for cleaning of gravestones using No- Harm Methods. Cleaning sessions are in the warm  weather months, and open to the public, May to October. Check our Facebook Events for dates and information.

Oberlin Heritage Center  - Westwood Cemetery Database. This data base has photos of cemetery stones, information, and gps location for burials. 

The City of Oberlin - Westwood Cemetery has an online burial search data base showing plot locations by searching last name of plot owner.  This online burial search is for any plot , claimed or available.


Ongoing membership drive from January through to December

Supports the Friends of Westwood Cemetery (FOWC) projects.

FOWC is a 501(c)(3) Non profit Organization

Future Pay Pal Link

Calendar and Social


Mailing address:  P.O. Box #85, Oberlin, OH 44074

Email: friendsofwestwood@gmail.com

Cemetery Location: 455 Morgan Street , Oberlin, Ohio 44074


FOWC Board Members

Audrey Kolb, President

Amanda Manahan, Vice President

Robin Jindra, Treasurer

Judy Connolly, Recording Secretary

Ronnie Rimbert, Brian Bliss, Steve Johnson, Desmond Bowen, Kathy Hilton